Namespace LfrlAnvil
- Assume
Contains helper methods for ConditionalAttributeDEBUG assertions.
- Bitmask
Creates instances of Bitmask<T> type.
- BoundsRange
Creates instances of BoundsRange<T> type.
- Boxed
Contains boxed instances of value types.
- ComparerFactory<T>
Creates instances of IComparer<T> type.
- DynamicCast
Contains methods for type casting.
- Ensure
Contains helper methods for simple assertions.
- Enumeration<T, TValue>
Represents a generic (name, value) tuple that can be used to construct more complex Enum-like objects.
- Equality
Creates instances of Equality<T> type.
- EqualityComparerFactory<T>
Creates instances of IEqualityComparer<T> type.
- LazyDisposable<T>
Represents a generic lazy container for an optional disposable object.
- Many
Creates collections.
- MemoryElementWiseComparer<T>
Defines methods to support the comparison of ReadOnlyMemory<T> objects for equality.
- OptionalDisposable
Creates instances of OptionalDisposable<T> type.
- Pair
Creates instances of Pair<T1, T2> type.
- ReadOnlyArray
Creates instances of ReadOnlyArray<T> type.
- Ref<T>
Represents a generic boxed value.
- ReinterpretCast
Contains methods for unsafe reinterpret casting.
- Bitmask<T>
Represents a lightweight generic bitmask.
- Bitmask<T>.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for Bitmask<T>.
- BoundsRange<T>
A lightweight representation of a generic collection of ranges of values.
- Chain<T>
A lightweight representation of a sequence of linked nodes with values.
- Chain<T>.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for Chain<T>.
- Equality<T>
A lightweight representation of an equality comparison of two generic values.
- Hash
Represents a lightweight hash code computation result.
- LinkedListSlimEnumerator<T>
Lightweight enumerator implementation for a slim linked list.
- LinkedListSlimNodeEnumerator<T>
Lightweight enumerator implementation for slim linked lists that internally uses LinkedListSlimNode<T> instances to enumerate the list.
- LinkedListSlimNode<T>
Represents a single element node that belongs to a slim linked list instance.
- LinkedListSlim<T>
Represents a slim version of a linked list of objects.
- ListSlim<T>
Represents a slim version of a dynamic array of objects.
- OptionalDisposable<T>
A lightweight generic container for an optional disposable object.
- Pair<T1, T2>
A lightweight generic representation of a pair of items.
- QueueSlimMemory<T>
Represents a view of a QueueSlim<T> instance's circular buffer.
- QueueSlimMemory<T>.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for QueueSlimMemory<T>.
- QueueSlim<T>
Represents a slim version of first-in, first-out collection of objects implemented as a circular buffer.
- ReadOnlyArray<T>
A lightweight generic read-only container for an Array.
- ReadOnlyArray<T>.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for ReadOnlyArray<T>.
- Ref<T>.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for Ref<T>.
- Result
Represents a result of an operation.
- Result<T>
Represents a result of an operation.
- SparseListSlim<T>
Represents a slim version of a sparse dynamic array of objects.
- SparseListSlim<T>.Sequence
Represents an enumerable view of a SparseListSlim<T> instance, that allows to enumerate over all of its elements in index order.
- SparseListSlim<T>.Sequence.Enumerator
Lightweight enumerator implementation for SparseListSlim<T>.Sequence.
- StackSlim<T>
Represents a slim version of last-in, first-out collection of objects.
- StringSegment
A lightweight representation of a segment of string.
- TypeNullability
Represents detailed information about Type nullability.
- IMemoizedCollection<T>
Represents a memoized collection, that is a collection that is lazily materialized.
- IReadOnlyRef<T>
Represents a read-only generic boxed value.
- AddOrUpdateResult
Represents a result of an operation that can either add a new element or update an existing one.