Table of Contents

Namespace LfrlAnvil.Validation.Validators


AndCompositeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a collection of generic object validators where each validator is invoked and their results are concatenated together.

ConditionalValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a conditional generic object validator.

FailingValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that always fails.

ForDefaultIfNullRefValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator which uses specified DefaultValue when validated object is null.

ForDefaultIfNullStructValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator which uses specified DefaultValue when validated object is null.

ForEachValidator<T, TElementResult>

Represents a generic object validator for a collection of elements where each element is validated separately.

ForNullableRefValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic nullable object validator where null objects are considered valid.

ForNullableStructValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic nullable object validator where null objects are considered valid.

FormattedValidator<T, TResource>

Represents a generic object validator with formatted messages.

IsElementCountExactValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic collection of objects validator that expects an exact number of elements.

IsElementCountInRangeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic collection of objects validator that expects number of elements between a given range.

IsEqualToValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be equal to a specific value.

IsGreaterThanOrEqualToValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be greater than or equal to a specific value.

IsGreaterThanValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be greater than a specific value.

IsInExclusiveRangeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be in a specified exclusive range.

IsInRangeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be in a specified range.


Represents a string validator that expects an exact Length.


Represents a string validator that expects Length between a given range.

IsLessThanOrEqualToValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be less than or equal to a specific value.

IsLessThanValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be less than a specific value.

IsNotEqualToValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to not be equal to a specific value.

IsNotInExclusiveRangeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to not be in a specified exclusive range.

IsNotInRangeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to not be in a specified range.


Represents a string validator that expects a single-line string.

IsNotNullValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to not be null.


Represents a string validator that expects a string that does not contain white-space characters only.

IsNullValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that expects objects to be null.


Represents a string validator that expects a Regex to be matched.


Represents a string validator that expects a Regex to not be matched.


Creates instances of IValidator<T, TResult> type through delegates.

MappedValidator<T, TSourceResult, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that maps result of an underlying validator to a different type.

MaxElementCountValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic collection of objects validator that expects a maximum number of elements.


Represents a string validator that expects a maximum Length.

MinElementCountValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic collection of objects validator that expects a minimum number of elements.


Represents a string validator that expects a minimum Length.

OrCompositeValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a collection of generic object validators that returns an empty result if any of the underlying validators returns an empty result.

PassingValidator<T, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that always passes.

SelectorValidator<T, TMember, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that selects a value to validate.

SwitchValidator<T, TResult, TSwitchValue>

Represents a generic switch of object validators.

TypeCastValidator<T, TDestination, TResult>

Represents a generic object validator that casts validated objects to TDestination type and performs conditional validation based on that type cast.


ElementValidatorResult<TElement, TElementResult>

Represents a result of validation of an element of a collection.


Represents a formatted validation result created from a sequence of generic ValidationMessage<TResource> instances.


Represents a result of OrCompositeValidator<T, TResult> validator.